I AM |

Guanxing An Engineer From China
Location📍: Shenzhen, China
Email 📨: luguanxing@gmail.com

Hi, Welcome to My website. 🎉

This website is a comprehensive work of engineering👨🏻‍💻, encompassing full-stack development and data engineering.

Here, you'll find "My Blogs📚" where I share my ideas and codes, and "Visit Stats📈" where I visualize the visit data of this website, "My ChatBot🤖" where my AI assistant can answer questions about me and my website, as well as "AI Observer🗞" where AI summarizes the latest news and provides insights. I hope you can find something interesting here.

And yes, you may leave a comment on my blog if you like 😘. Enjoy your stay now!

My Journey


2020 – 2024

Big Data Engineer

2019 – 2020

Java Backend Developer

  • Developed backend requirements


2015 - 2019

SYSU Bachelor Degree