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网站服务器OOM问题排查 Troubleshooting OOM Issues on the Website Server
自从安装了netdata监控之后,隔三差五收到服务器OOM的邮件通知,于是尝试进行问题的排查 Since I installed the Netdata monitoring tool, I’ve been receiving periodic email notifications about OOM events on the server. So, I conducted an investigation.
背景 Background
After installing the lightweight monitoring system Netdata on my personal website server, I noticed that it frequently sends basic monitoring alerts via email (which is a pretty useful feature).
But this also makes me quite curious, wondering why there are so many alerts, especially OOM alerts.
排查 Investigation
使用dmesg -T命令可以查看OOM记录
Use the dmesg -T command to check the OOM (Out of Memory) logs.
Use the top +M command to see which programs are consuming memory on the server.
I found that two Java processes were involved, so I used the ps command to view details.
同时使用ps -p PID -o lstart确认刚才是哪个进程重启了(实际这两个进程都重启过)
At the same time, I used ps -p PID -o lstart to confirm which process had restarted earlier (in fact, both processes had been restarted).
因此根据具体信息定位到是tomcat和solr两个进程,因为都是java程序,出现OOM配置估计是jvm配置出了问题,先使用free -h命令看看目前机器内存资源
Thus, based on specific information, I identified that the issues were with the Tomcat and Solr processes. Since both are Java applications, the OOM configuration might be due to JVM configuration issues. First, I used the free -h command to check the current memory resources of the machine.
Looking at Solr's configuration, the heap was allocated 512MB, which was likely too large, exceeding the available memory on the machine. So, I reduced it to 256MB.
Then, looking at Tomcat's configuration, the previous Xmx was set to over 800MB, which was also too large. I reduced it to 512MB.
Currently, Solr has been running stably for over 5 days, while Tomcat runs stably for about several days before mysteriously being killed by an OOM error.
尝试了好几种JVM参数(各种限制大小,以及在小内存环境下使用 ParallelGC替代G1GC),感觉都还是不行,最后花钱扩容从2G到4G看看效果
I’ve tried several JVM parameters (various size limits and using ParallelGC instead of G1GC in a low-memory environment), but it still doesn’t seem to work. Finally, I decided to spend money to upgrade the memory from 2GB to 4GB to see if it helps.